
Locations: USA, China, Italy, Myanmar, Russia, Middle East

Hardness: 6

Astrological sign of: Libra, Aries, Gemini & Taurus

Beneficial for longevity, self-sufficiency, detoxification, belonging, stability, instinct, balances the heart chakra, relaxing, protects children from danger. It is a symbol of purity, serenity and nurturing and is a dream stone . Jade is a “stone of fidelity” bringing realization to one’s potential and devotion to ones purpose. It can help improve the memory of dreams and dream solving. It is said to bring accord to the environment, to transmute negativity and to instill resourcefulness. It has been used to assist one in access to the spiritual world and to release suppressed emotions through dreaming. Jade helps one to facilitate the building of dreams into a reality.